Automotive SEO with A3 Brands

Is Automotive SEO the Right Thing for Your Dealership?

Every business needs to have a professional website to leverage its success rate in this highly digital age. It becomes even more important if you’re in the automotive industry, where customers look to your website to find information about different car models, brands, details, and specifications.
But have you ever wondered what the average potential customer looks up for automotive services? An average customer would randomly type “best automotive dealership in XYZ,” and around 75% of them will scan only the first page results. Did it ever pop to your mind how you can get your website in the first few SERP results?
At this point, Automotive SEO comes to your rescue – a technique that enables web pages to rank higher in search engines. With A3 Brands behind your back, your dealership is all set to achieve new heights. Let’s get started.

The Age of Niche Marketing: Automotive SEO

In the simplest terms, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique to increase organic visits to your website. Similarly, Automotive SEO is similar, but this technique focuses on increasing organic traffic to dealership websites. If you’re a dealer and want to increase website visits and conversion rates, Automotive SEO is your best bet.
Automotive SEO focuses particularly on the automotive industry, and all the SEO campaigns primarily target potential customers who are on the lookout for automobile services.

Benefits of Automotive SEO

Utilizing this technique can help you unlock several benefits that will increase your authority in the industry. Some of the most prominent benefits include:
• Automotive SEO will increase your website’s competitive edge by ranking higher than the competitors. Your website will get more attention and the spotlight, enabling you to increase website clicks and possibly, more sales.
• Especially at A3 brands, we use specific and relevant keywords to target potential customers who want to use your services. Hence, your website is designed to attract a locally targeted audience, increasing the chances of higher search engine visibility.
• With a higher presence on the search engine, the Internet browsers view your business as credible because you have developed an authoritative web design. Moreover, many surfers may even view your website as an emerging industry leader, which establishes trustworthiness with the customers, increasing the chances of sales.
• If you’re a new brand, high visibility on the search engine can increase brand awareness. Your website will be straight in front of your relevant audience, and they will start talking about your brand, enabling your business to get in the highlights. Moreover, you can also benefit from word of mouth – an inexpensive yet effective form of promotion. Since strangers start giving testimonials about your brand, people will trust your business.

Automotive SEO: The Answer to Your Problems

Investing in SEO will be a good step for leveraging your business. However, SEO tactics continually evolve. In fact, Google changes and updates its search engine algorithms around an overwhelming 500-600 times annually. Hence, what worked a few years back will never help your business succeed in this competitive era.
Even if you have good website designs and details of your product, it’ll not be effective if your website is not optimized for SEO. Therefore, you must always be aware of the advanced SEO tactics and implement them to stay ahead in the competitive race.

SEO Tactics to Avoid

As mentioned above, SEO continually evolves. Therefore, you cannot depend on conventional tactics that may as well flag your website deep in the search engine. Nowadays, Google is optimizing websites more according to user intent and content relevancy. Hence, you must focus on adding value to your customers. Here are some of the traditional automotive SEO tactics you must avoid:

Keyword Stuffing
By far, one of the most common mistakes made by small businesses. Google is smart, and it can easily detect keyword stuffing. Therefore, you cannot just find a keyword tool and begin stuffing keywords to make it optimized. Google will easily detect it and flag your website for being too artificial.

Link Stuffing
Link-building is still essential in this age. But only the relevant links are important because unrelated links won’t help you in SEO. Hence, if you’re creating content for your dealership website, find links to credible sources that show valuable info about your industry statistics and numbers.
You can also put internal links within your blog to redirect the user to another website page. It’s a convenient and easy read for most users, making them visit your website more often.

Domain Keyword Stuffing
Many people even used to stuff the keyword in their domain. Just consider this domain name: “automotive repairs South Hampton.” See, it doesn’t at all make sense. Instead, it blurs your brand’s image, and your identity may get lost.

Best SEO Practices

So far, we have covered what SEO tactics you must avoid. Let’s discover some of the best automotive SEO strategies that will give a boost to your business.

Consistent and Quality Content
Google has started to crawl websites according to the type of content published to be relevant, unique, and valuable. In the car dealerships businesses, customers usually require info about the car models, specifications, and brand. Hence, you must update your content regularly to meet customers’ expectations.
Not only that, but you can also provide them with valuable info through content marketing – a tactic that engages potential customers through blogs, videos, and social media posts. You can have a story or blog section on your website where they can how-to blogs, buyer guides, and car driving and car parts instructional blogs.
Over time, people will start to notice your authority, building their trust in your brand.

Choose Best Keywords According to User Intent
Keywords are still prominent because they are the foundation of your business model. While keyword stuffing is not recommended, using relevant keywords according to the topic will help increase the rankings. For this purpose, you’ll need to conduct keyword research to extract a list of keywords to write topics.
Long-tail keywords work the best because they target a specific audience searching specifically to purchase products. For example, “Toyota XYZ model North Carolina” is a long-tail specific keyword that attracts only a specific audience.
While overusing keywords is a bad idea, you can always use appropriate keywords to optimize other website elements such as meta-title, URLs, meta-description, Alt text of images, and headings.

Use Google My Business (GMB)
If you’re a local dealer, GMB is by far one of the most important tools for you. It’s powerful to create a localized SEO presence because you get a listing in Google maps. However, you must maintain it and provide complete information such as your website’s name, address, contact, and URL. In addition, responding to customer queries is also important to stand out in the local marketplace.
Maintain Social Media Presence
Indeed, 81% of people use search engines before planning their purchase. While it’s important to implement SEO strategies to improve your ranking, social media marketing and presence also play a great role in leveraging your business. Create an account where most of your audience interact and remain close to your audience. You can get visitors to your website with a good social media reach, which is definitely a plus.

Digital marketing strategies such as Automotive SEO are essential building blocks of your dealership’s business. However, if you find these tactics difficult to implement, it’s time you hire an SEO firm to look after all the automotive SEO services you need.
Since it’s a niche-focused industry, you must find an SEO agency specializing in that niche, wondering where to look for it? Without any doubt, A3 Brands are your best bet for this pursuit. From creating customized content to landing pages, we are here to leverage your automotive business.
Reach out today!