On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO

The importance of On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO can’t be ignored. As it has been said, “content is king,” but there are many components that go into making a page rank high in search engines.

Some people think that if you have great content with no links, then you’ll be fine. That’s not true at all! You need both in order to achieve the rankings you want for your website or blog.

In this article, we will discuss why On Page vs Off Page SEO are important factors in building a strong online presence and the differences between the two.

On-Page SEO Factors

On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines can easily understand what your page is about and give it a higher ranking in their results. Optimization for On-Page SEO includes the content on the page, how you title and tag it, where you place links (internal and external), how many links there are to other websites from yours, and a lot more.

It’s important because it helps search engines determine what your site is about and how relevant it is to specific searches. It also helps searchers find your site more easily because they can quickly determine if it has the information they’re looking for.

There are a number of factors that can impact your On-Page SEO. Below are some of the most important and what they do:

Page Speed

Pages that load quickly perform better in search engine results than slower ones. This is because users tend to prefer fast-loading sites over slow-loading ones when it comes time for them to click through from SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). The key to fast-loading sites is optimizing your site for speed. This means making sure that all of your pages are as lean as possible and utilizing caching technology to load content quickly.

Mobile Friendliness

It’s no secret that mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic as the primary way people browse online channels nowadays. That being said, having strong mobile optimization will help ensure your site performs well across devices regardless if someone is browsing from an iPhone vs Android phone or tablet vs laptop/desktop computer.

Title Tags

The title tag is one of the most important elements on your page. It’s what shows up in search results and can help people decide if they want to click through and read more about your content or not. Make sure you’re using interesting, relevant keywords in your title tags. Basically, when someone types something into Google, they will see a list of results returned based on what they searched for and how relevant those pages/websites are.

Simply put, the title tag of each page on your website is going to be the main thing that Google uses when deciding what information to show people in the search results (and how high up) as well as how they should display it (H1 vs H2). They are an integral part of Google’s search algorithm and can help you rank higher in search results.

There is no hard and fast rule here, but make sure you test different variations to see what works best for visitors searching in Google Search Console.

Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are an integral part of your website and will be used by Google to display a snippet of text below each search result. This is where you should include relevant keywords from the page that you want to rank for, as well as a call-to-action (CTA).

You can use this snippet of text to explain what people will find when they click through on your link and help them decide whether or not it’s worth taking action on. And while they aren’t as important as title tags, they can still help with your rankings and should be optimized for each page.

It should be around 155 characters long (including spaces) and should describe what your website/page is about as well as why people would find it interesting or useful (i.e. what value does it provide).

Content Quality

Google wants to serve up only the best content to its users, so it rewards websites that create quality content with higher rankings. This means writing blog posts that are interesting and helpful to people who visit your site.

This also means avoiding keyword stuffing, which is when you cram a bunch of keywords into the content just to rank higher in search engines. Google can tell when someone is doing this, so it’s not worth it! Instead, focus on writing content that people want to read.

HTML Headers

Headers are the titles and subheadings on your blog post, which help people understand what it’s about. The header tags should be H1 for your main title, H2 for subheadings and H3 for subtitles (if you have them).

When someone searches for information on Google or Bing, these headers help them find what they’re looking for faster. This is what allows Google to figure out which pages should show up in search results for a given query. So, make sure that you have the correct headers in place!

Image Alt Text

An image alt text helps search engines understand what your images are about. It is what shows up when you hover over an image on your blog. It’s also used by screen readers for people who are visually impaired. For example, someone searching for a picture of a dog will see the alt text in the search results and decide whether it’s relevant to their query.

This is important because if Google thinks that your content is relevant to what people are searching for, they’ll rank you higher in search results! But if you don’t add alt text to each image, Google will see those images as blank spaces and won’t know what they are. This can hurt how well your content ranks in search results.

Internal Linking

This is the practice of linking to other pages on your website. It’s a great way to show Google that your content is relevant to what people are searching for, and it also helps users find related topics easily.

If you have a page about “how to build muscle fast” and then have another page that talks about “a guide to eating right,” it helps Google understand that these two topics are related. If they both link back to each other, then Google knows that they should be grouped together in search results.

On top of this, internal linking helps users navigate around your site easily and quickly find what they’re looking for. Internal linking can also help you get more traffic from search engines. When you link to other relevant pages on your website, Google sees it as a sign that those pages are valuable and worth ranking highly in search results.


If your site has clear and easy-to-use navigation, users will be able to find what they’re looking for faster and more easily. This will help you get more traffic from search engines as well as direct visitors to the right page when they click on links in social media posts or emails.

If you have an e-commerce site, then this can mean making sure that your navigation is easy to understand and use. It should also be accessible from every page on your website so that customers don’t have to scroll through their browser history or start over if they want to go back.

Using internal links to create a navigation menu is another way to help users find what they’re looking for. Having clearly defined sections on your website makes it easier for people to navigate around, but it also helps Google understand the structure of your content.

Off-Page SEO Factors

Off-Page SEO is all about the links you have pointing back to your website. These links can come from various places, such as social media platforms, other websites and directories. The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your site, the better it will rank in Google’s search results. This is important because Google uses links as a ranking factor, so having more and better links can help you get higher rankings in the SERPs.

Off-Page SEO factors are the ones that don’t directly impact your website but rather give it a boost in the search engine results pages (SERPs). They include things like backlinks, social media and more.


Putting links to your website on other sites can tell Google that you’re an authority in your industry or topic. This is why there’s so much importance placed on getting backlinks from websites with lots of visitors and high domain authority. The number of these other websites linking back to yours is called link equity or just “link juice.”

Social Media

Links shared on social media carry weight as well because they come from real people who have influence over their followers’ opinions and decisions. When someone shares something with their network of friends, followers, subscribers, or viewers, it’s likely going to be seen by more people than just those exposed directly through ads or email campaigns alone!

Unlinked Mentions

When someone talks about your brand or product on social media without linking to it, this is called an unlinked mention. This can happen when people mention your brand name in a status update or tweet without adding any other information like a link to their website or any additional context. Google will still consider this a backlink. If that person shares your content on social media, it’s another bonus for you!

This is one of the most powerful forms of backlinking because it demonstrates that someone has taken the time to talk about you but hasn’t linked back to your site yet. With this kind of exposure, it’s only a matter of time before they do!

Google Business Profile

If you don’t have a Google Business Profile account, then you can create one for free. This is a free service provided by Google that allows businesses to create a profile that includes their logo, address, phone number and website. It’s not something you can set up yourself; instead, Google will send you an email inviting you to create one once they’ve verified your business information.

You can also verify your business on Google My Business if it hasn’t already been verified by another method. When people search for your company online, they’ll be able to see this information as well as directions from their current location.

It is important to note that this only applies to local businesses, so if you’re operating out of an office or warehouse somewhere in the United States or Canada, then it will be useful for SEO purposes. If not, then there is no need to register your business with Google.


In conclusion, On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO are both important when it comes to getting your website ranked higher in search engines. It is important that we understand the difference between these two factors and how they work together to create an overall impact on your site’s rankings.

I hope this article helped you understand how On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO work together to improve your website’s rankings. If you want an expert opinion on your website’s SEO performance, A3 Brands is here to help. Contact us here or call (302)394-6940 today!